Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 13


        UAE Unveils National Space Strategy 2030

                                                                                 the  various  elements  that  fall  under  its
                                                                                 umbrella,  including  science,  technology,
                                                                                 applications  and  services.  It  also  covers
                                                                                 all  the governmental, commercial  and
                                                                                 scientific activities of various space sector
                                                                                 organizations,  collaborating  with  other
                                                                                 governmental entities, as well as academic
                                                                                 institutions and space research and
                                                                                 development  centers.”  “The  investment
                                                                                 plan  seeks  to  increase  the  national
                                                                                 space  sector’s  contribution  to  economic
                                                                                 diversification   and   attract   foreign
                                                                                 investment  in  the  national  space  sector.
                                                                                 Moreover, it aims to transform the UAE into
                                                                                 the go-to destination for investors wishing
                                                                                 to participate in the space sector,” added Dr.
                                                                                 Al Ahbabi. “These documents represent the
                                                                                 fruits of the continuous and extraordinary
                                                                                 efforts of our exceptional team at the UAE
                                                                                 Space  Agency.  The  team  has  reviewed
                                                                                 years  of  achievements  and  studied  all
                                                                                 aspects of the space sector, discovering its
         UAE Space Agency (UAESA) has announced   effective  local  and  global  partnerships   strengths, capabilities and opportunities in
        the details of its National Space Strategy   and  investments  in  the  space  industry;   order to build upon the incredible success
        2030 and National Space Investment Plan,   and  developing  a  future-proof  supportive   we  have  experienced  since  our  founding
        which  complement  the  regulatory  and   legislative environment and infrastructure   five  years  ago,”  he  concluded.  Nasser
        legislative framework of the UAE’s national   across  the  sector.  These  goals  will  be   Al  Rashidi,  director  of  Space  Policy  &
        space sector. During the ceremony held in   achieved  through  the  implementation  of   Regulations  at the UAE Space  Agency
        Abu Dhabi, the UAE Space Agency shared   more  than  20  comprehensive  programs   said:  “The  National  Space  Strategy  aims
        details  of  its  National  Space  Strategy,   and  80  initiatives.  Moreover,  the  event   to  ensure  the  industry’s  sustainable
        which was approved by the Cabinet of the   also  marked  the  announcement  of  the   growth over the next decade and beyond.
        UAE, chaired by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin   National  Space  Investment  Plan,  which   Thus, it was developed following a series
        Rashid  Al  Maktoum,  Vice  President  and   seeks  to  realize  the  goals  of  UAE  Vision   of  national  and  international  economic
        Prime  Minister  of  the  UAE,  and  the  ruler   2021  and  UAE  Centennial  2071,  which   and  technical  studies.  The  strategy  also
        of  Dubai.  The  strategy  aims  to  enhance   collectively  aim  to  make  the  UAE  the   includes  programs  and initiatives that
        the  space  sector’s  contribution  to  the   world’s  leading  country  in  economic,   seek  to  consolidate,  develop  and  sustain
        national economy and promote the UAE’s   social, and environmental fields. The plan   the  integrated  structure  of  the  national
        regional and international presence in the   is in line with the Higher Policy for Science,   space  sector,  thereby  supporting  its
        space sector. It also strives to support the   Technology,  Innovation  and the  strategy   journey  towards  global  competitiveness.”
        transition to a knowledge-based economy,   for the UAE’s Fourth Industrial Revolution   “Through the Space Investment Plan, the
        create an effective regulatory environment,   (4IR).  In  addition,  the  plan  aims  to  make   UAE  Space  Agency  is  working  to  devise
        attract talent and develop human capacity,   the UAE a major regional and global hub for   the activities, mechanisms,  and tools
        stimulate creativity among young people,   space activities by building a competitive   necessary  to stimulate entrepreneurship
        as  well  as  develop  partnerships  with   national  economy  based  on  knowledge,   and attract  more local and international
        industrial, educational, and research   innovation,  and  future  applications  that   investment  to  the  space  sector.  “In  the
        institutions  while  increasing  international   integrate  the latest  physical, digital,  and   next  stage,  the  Agency  will  supervise
        collaboration. The National Space Strategy   biological  technologies;  attracting  small   the  implementation  of  eight  activities
        aims  to  realize  six  main  goals,  which   and  medium-sized  businesses  through   identified by the plan through coordination,
        include  providing  competitive  and  world-  promoting  investment in the space   collaborations, and partnerships with key
        class space services; enhancing advanced   industry;  and  facilitating  the  work  of  the   players in the space industry on a local and
        local capacity in space  science,  research   companies  in  the  industry.  Dr.  Mohamed   international  level, including  those in the
        and developing and manufacturing space   Nasser  Al  Ahbabi,  director  general  of  the   government, private, academic, or research
        technology;  launching  inspiring  space   UAE  Space  Agency,  said:  “This  strategy   and development sectors, as investments
        missions; establishing high-level national   aims  to  support  the  realization  of  the   in these sectors complement one another,”
        expertise  in  the  space  sector;  forging   UAE’s  vision  in  the  space  sector  with   concluded Al Rashidi.

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