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Czechia's CRA, Vantage Towers sign IoT strategic partnership

České Radiokomunikace, a telecommunications company in the Czech Republic, has entered into a strategic partnership with Vantage Towers, which manages approximately 4,000 broadcasting base stations in the country.

The five-year framework agreement for the LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) network of CRA is for 500 Vantage Towers locations, said a press release.

Open LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) technology allows you to wirelessly connect smart devices, such as sensors, probes, or other measuring devices, over longer distances with minimal energy requirements.

Through the partnership, the two companies join forces to enable companies in the Czech Republic to digitize their business models and introduce new applications that help reduce energy consumption and costs. Vantage Towers provides its infrastructure, which is unique in terms of site density as well as service and maintenance. CRAs can thus quickly expand their network.

"Cooperation with Czech Radiocommunications supports our mission, which is sustainable digital transformation. We offer infrastructure throughout the Czech Republic and thus give space to new applications and solutions in the field of the Internet of Things, " said Jiří Švarc, director of the Czech branch of Vantage Towers.

Pavel Kos, Technical Director of České Radiokomunikace, said: “Cooperation with Vantage Towers will enable us to further increase the coverage of the LoRaWAN network, for which we now provide IoT services throughout the Czech Republic. We have a choice of almost four thousand locations, where it will be possible to place our equipment in an accelerated mode. This will enable us to respond to the needs of our customers and offer better services.”
