Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 4


        Regulatory Frameworks for IoT: Opportunities and Challenges

        In this data-driven digital environment, where   setting IoT  security.  This  is  primarily  linked
        doing business isn’t just more challenging but   to the need  for protecting  the integrity  and
        more rewarding as well, many transitions are  privacy of the data created from and via these
        underway. Such  transitions reflect how the  devices.
        digital communications industry  is redefining
        itself and how all market players conduct  Because  among  the  policy-makers’  and
        business in it. Indeed, all of these requirements   regulators’  great  challenges  is  the challenge
        and challenges— and many more— are just a   to foster  innovation and remove barriers,
        few among a multitude that demand attention.   this  requires  balanced  and well-coordinated
        In part this is so, because our world has only   regulatory  frameworks.  Moreover, regulation
        just started to embrace the onslaught of many   should  be driven by  light-touch approaches
        dozens of billions of devices that are on their   and evidence-based  restrictions,  while  the
        way to adding a whole new meaning to the term   regulators  adopt the approach of acting as
        complexity. Internet of Things (IoT) has only  partners with the private sector, to help develop   Bocar A. BA
                                                                                          Chief Executive Officer &
        started to enter the business scene, and what   the new ecosystem.                Board Member
        technology providers and telecom operators                                        SAMENA Telecommunications
        will do with it, more or less, will be determined   Whatever  we  want  to  achieve  from  IoT  first   Council
        by various strategic priorities, visions and  requires us to ensure we address spectrum
        readiness for future, real-life applications, and   requirements and needs, accelerate investment
        regulatory frameworks that can enable rather   in 5G and new digital infrastructure, promote   active IoT  deployments are
        than hinder greater innovation in the expansion   the adoption of IPv6, encourage development   directly contributing  to or have
        of the IoT ecosystem.                   of international  standards, promote  the   the potential to  advance the
                                                security of IoT systems, address data privacy   globally agreed UN’s Sustainable
        IoT will make the vision for smart cities,  issues, promote  right to  information by   Development Goals (SDGs).
        connected cars, supply chain and logistics,  making  public sector data  freely  accessible,
        connected healthcare, smart manufacturing,  address free data  flow  across  borders, drive   Thus  given  the  impact that IoT
        smart homes, smart agriculture, etc. — all  demand in IoT through public sector adoption   could generate positively toward
        of which promise to save money and time,  first,  increase  the  effective  and  IoT-specific   achieving  numerous  socio-
        improve lives, assist in smart governance, and   utilization of national ICT funds  (where they   economic  and  transformational
        allocate  resources  efficiently,  to  name  a  few   do exist) as well as encourage investment in   benefits,  we  need  to  align
        benefits —  a  reality.  Billions  of  IoT  devices,   innovation, education, and training.   ourselves to  promptly address
        predicted a long ago, to emerge  by 2020 and                                     challenges   that   demand
        make an impact on digital systems and the  To be able to achieve the above, we must foster   immediate  attention,  and  define
        pace of digitization clearly point to the fact  international co-ordination, collaboration, and   roadmaps  for tackling those
        that this vision is on its way to fulfillment.  engagement,  ensure inter-agency  and inter-  challenges  that  require a  more
                                                sector  co-ordination,  and promote public-  combined  global-level effort in
        However, IoT does face several social,  private partnerships.                    the long  run. Each market and
        legal, policy challenges, technical (including                                   Administration  needs  first  to
        spectrum availability and interoperability),  IoT  has  risen quickly on the agenda of   fine-tune  its  focus  on  what  it
        and security challenges. A recent report by  policymakers across Europe  and MEA,   desires from IoT and what aspect
        Gemalto indicates that a very high number of   especially  given the  positive  role  it can   of IoT — for example, social IoT,
        consumers  currently  lack  confidence  in  the   play  in  addressing pressing societal and   industrial IoT, global IoT, etc — is
        security of Internet of Things devices, and thus   economical  challenges;  so much so that  an   of most immediate interest.
        both consumers and business organizations  analysis  by  the World Economic  Forum has
        support governments getting involved in  found that more than 80 percent of currently

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