Page 18 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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        fact that there are several strong initiatives,   the  need  to  tackle  this  pandemic.  This   the Index.
        both on the national and intergovernmental   Autumn,  several  key  events  have  taken   From the start twenty years ago, Childhood
        level to combat child sexual abuse online,   place  to  accelerate  action  to  protect   has  worked  to  develop  and  support
        but investments are far from meeting the   children  online  –  at  the  Royal  Palace  in   innovative  solutions  and  methods  to
        needs. Even in high-income countries with   Sweden, at the Vatican and at the Global   empower children and families and reduce
        two  decades  of  internet  growth  behind   Summit at the African Union. Our ambition   the risks for sexual abuse and exploitation.
        them,  there  are  gaps  in  the  online  child-  with this round-table meeting was to forge   Through  the  years,  those  risks  and  the
        protection eco-system and the knowledge   new collaborations, learn from each other   potential  solutions  have  changed  forms
        about  potential  technical  solutions  is   and increase the number  of actors  and   and internet is now a part of ordinary lives
        limited.  Law  enforcement  agencies  in   resources focused on fighting online child   for  most  children.  However,  says  Paula
        low-income  countries  where  the  risks   sexual abuse. We are very happy to say that   Guillet de Monthoux, we should not forget
        for  children  online  are  increasing  in  an   we already see this happening as a result   that in most cases, sexual abuse is still in
        alarming  pace  fight  an  uneven  struggle   of the meeting-  says  Paula  Guillet  the   most  cases  committed  or  facilitated  by
        with limited resources and lack of access   Monthoux, World Childhood Foundation.   someone close to the child.  We therefore
        to  technical  tools  to  investigate  online                            need  to  continue  working  directly  to
        related  crimes  against  children.  There  is   Another example of how World Childhood   empower children and families and protect
        a huge need to educate children, families   Foundation  has  been  advocating  for   them through tech solutions. Even though
        and  professionals  about  the  risks  online.   increased  global  commitment  to  fight   the  abuse  takes  place  online,  neither  the
        In  order  to  prevent  a  potential  tsunami   child  sexual  abuse  is  the  initiative  and   child  nor  the  perpetrator  are  digital  and
        of  online  related  child  sexual  abuse  as   support  to  launch  the  first  of  its  kind   research shows that online abuse can be
        broadband expansion reaches the poorest,   benchmarking  Index  on  Child  Sexual   as  traumatic  and  harmful  for  a  child  as
        governments  and  the  tech  industry  need   Abuse “Out of the Shadows: Shining light   contact  abuse.  This  knowledge  led  to  a
        to work together to ensure that protection   on the response to child sexual abuse and   unique  sentence  in  Sweden  last  year  the
        mechanisms are in place.             exploitation. With support from Childhood   first conviction in a child rape case, where
                                             USA, Oak Foundation and Carlson Family   a man was convicted for child rape, even
        Finding  the  right  balance  between  the   Foundation  the  Index  developed  by  The   though  he  had  never  actually  physically
        privacy of the  adult  user and  the  privacy   Economist  Intelligence  Unit  covers  60   met the victim.
        and protection of children           countries  representing  more  than  70%
        Besides  resources  and  knowledge,  a   of  the  world´s  children.  The  ambition   With  Artificial  Intelligence  mankind  now
        key  to  protect  children  online  is  the   is  that  the  Index  will  help  to  assess  the   have   unprecedented   possibilities   to
        heated   discussion   around   privacy-   progress toward reaching the Sustainable   accelerate  the  fight  against  child  sexual
        and  the  increasing  use  of  end-to-end   Development  Goal  16.2  –  ending  abuse,   abuse  online,  but  the  same  technique,
        encryption  which  makes  it  more  difficult   exploitation,  trafficking  and  all  forms  of   in  wrong  hands  or  without  adequate
        for  law  enforcement  to  receive  reports   violence  against  and  torture  of  children   regulation and safeguarding routines may
        about  suspected  abuse  online.  The   by  2030.    The  importance  of  the  private   also lead to disastrous consequences.
        tech  companies  and  regulators  are  still   sector  to reach  the  goal  is highlighted  in
        searching  for  the  balance  between  the
        right of individual users to privacy – and   “We  need  advanced  technology  to  be  developed  with  a
        at the same time ensure that people that
        misuse technology to abuse children can   child  safeguarding  perspective in mind. By  people  and
        be identified and brought to justice.   companies that not only look at profit, but who are willing
                                                to take responsibility for how their technology is used – or
        Digital abuse. Real children.
        The Round-table meeting marked the end   misused. This is especially important when it comes to AI.
        of the 20th anniversary of World Childhood   With such a powerful tool – we cannot afford to fail. We
        Foundation, founded by her Majesty Queen
        Silvia of Sweden who decided to lend her   need to make sure that it is right from the start.”
        voice  to  spotlight  the  global  problem  of
        child sexual abuse and exploitation. At that   Queen Silvia of Sweden in her closing remarks at the AI
        time,  few  people  talked  about  this  issue
        on  a  global  level.  Since  then,  more  and   Roundtable
        more  people  are  starting  to  understand

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